Showing posts with label teddy bear clothes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teddy bear clothes. Show all posts

Thursday, 30 May 2019

Teddy top down dress

The dress is knit in one piece from the neck down on double pointed or circular needles so there' s no seaming.   

If you want to knit this dress on single point needles (worked flat) there is a link for a pattern below.

To fit a 15"/38cm build a bear

If you find and errors or have any queries, let me know by commenting below or contacting me via the contact form.   Thanks

Materials 100g dk yarn,  I used King Cole cherish in blue
No 3.25mm and 4mm double pointed or circular needles
Tension 24sts x 28 rows x 10cm using 4mm needles over stocking stitch

Using 3.25mm needles cast on 64sts, join into round
rounds begin at centre back
Rnd 1  knit
Rnd 2  purl
Repeat last 2 rnds
Change to 4mm needles and begin yoke shaping
Rnd 1    (k8, yf, k2, yf, k12, yf, k2, yf, k8) 2 times         72sts
Rnd 2 and every alternate rnd:  knit
Rnd 3    (k9, yf, k2, yf, k14, yf, k2, yf, k9) 2 times          80sts
Rnd 5    (k10, yf, k2, yf, k16, yf, k2, yf, k10) 2 times      88sts
Continue increasing 8sts on each alt round as set, to 136sts
Rnd 18  (k18, p32, k18) 2 times
Rnd19   (k18, cast off 32sts, k18) 2 times

Rnd 20 join back and front:  k18, cast on 2sts, knit across 36st of front, cast on 2sts, knit across 18sts of back     76sts   
Next rnd    purl
Next rnd    knit
Next rnd    purl
Rep last 2 rounds
Inc rnd:    (kfb 15 times, k8, kfb 15 times) 2 times     136sts

Begin skirt pattern:
Rnd 1    knit
Rnd 2    (k2tog, yf, k6) to end
Rnds 3-5    knit
Rnd 6    k4 (k2tog, yf, k6) to last 4sts, k2tog, yf k2
Rnds 7-8    knit
These 8 rnds form the pattern.  Repeat until skirt measures 3” ending on rnd 6

Hem pattern:  
Rnd 1    knit   
Rnd 2    (k3, k2tog, yf, k1, yf, ssk)) rep to end
Rnd 3    knit to end, knit first stitch from left hand needle then begin next round
Rnd 4    k1, k2tog, yf, k3, yf, ssk) rep to end
Rnd 5    knit, slip last stitch worked onto left hand needle to begin next round
Rnd 6    (s1, k2tog, psso, yf, k5, yf) rep to end
Rnd 7    purl
Rnd 8    knit
Rnd 9    purl
Cast off

Friday, 6 April 2018

teddy bear striped dresses

Anchor dress

Yellow dress

Two more dresses for your bear. Both will fit a 15" build a bear.
The dress is knit from the hem up with sleeves knit in with the bodice.  The anchor is embroidered on after the dress is completed. I used duplicate stitch but cross stitch would work

If you have any queries about this pattern or find any mistakes please let me know either in the comments or by contacting me.  

Materials: Dress with anchor: 100g dk yarn blue, 10g white, small amount of red
Yellow dress: 100g yellow, 10g main, small amount of pink
No 3.25mm and 4mm needles
Tension   24sts x 30rows x 4" no 4mm needles, stocking stitch
Abbreviations: k: knit, p: purl, tog: together, sts: stitches, yf: yarn forward, S1: slip one stitch, garter stitch: every row knit,

Dress with Anchor


Using 3.25 needles and blue yarn, cast on 72sts
Work 6 rows in garter stitch
Change to 4mm needles and stocking stitch until work measures 4.5” ending on a purl row
Next row: (k2tog) across row (36sts)
Work 3 rows garter stitch
Change to white, work 2 rows, change to blue work 2 rows
Following stripes as set work 4 more rows.
(right side facing) Cast on 6sts at the beginning of next 2 rows. 48sts *
Work 20 rows (following stripe pattern)
Cast off 12sts at beg of next 2 rows. Fasten off yarn, Leave 24sts on holder


As back to *
Work 8 rows in stripes

Keep stripe pattern correct
Neck shaping:
Next row: k16, turn
Continue on 16sts for left front
Next row: purl
Next row: k to last 3sts, k2tog, k1
Repeat last 2 rows 3 times 12sts
Work 3 rows ss
Cast off. Fasten off yarn leaving a tail for sewing seam.

Right front
Slip st next 16sts on to holder
Following stripe pattern, rejoin yarn to remaining 16sts right side facing and knit to end
Next row purl
Next row: k1, ssk, k to end
Rep last 2 rows 3 times 12sts
3 rows ss
Cast off. Fasten off yarn leaving a tail for shoulder sewing seam.


Join left shoulder seam
Using 3.25 needles and blue yarn, with right side facing knit across 24sts left on holder for back, pick up and knit 13sts down left front, 16sts centre front, 13sts up right front 66sts
Work 3 rows k1, p1 rib fasten off main and contrast
Cast off in red
Fasten off

To finish

Sew right shoulder seam
Using 3,25 needles and blue, pick up ad knit 40sts around edge of sleeve, work 3 rows k1, p1 rib, cast off in red. Fasten off yarn

Sew side seams
Using red, embroider anchor motif using duplicate stitch.  see photo for positioning
Fasten off all ends

Anchor chart

Yellow dress

Work as Anchor dress with the following changes

Hem: work 2 rows yellow 2 rows blue and 2 rows pink
Use yellow for skirt and yellow and blue stripes for bodice
Cast off neck and sleeves edgings using pink

With no 3.50 crochet hook and pink, make 3ch, 6dc in 3rd ch from hook, slip stitch to top of 1st dc, (3ch, 1dc) to last dc, slip stitch in dc.
sew on to front of dress as shown on photo

Sunday, 12 November 2017

Teddy Bear snowflake dress

I'm a bit late with this pattern but its so quick you could easily have it made by Christmas.  The dress is knit throughout in stocking stitch with garter stitch for the hem and collar.  There's a short back opening for easy fit, and only two side seams and two short shoulder seams to sew up.  I tried making it in one piece to the armholes but it was too fiddly to write up because of the motif.  The snowflake is the simplest one I could design and is really easy even if you're not keen on fair Isle.  Or you could stitch the motif on later using duplicate stitch. 

As I've been in a rush to get this posted please let me know if you find and mistakes of have any other problems with the pattern.  

Measurements:  15” Teddy bear 
Actual measurements:  Chest 15”, Length 8”           
Materials: 75g Blue double knitting yarn, 10g of white fluffy double knitting yarn (I used King Cole Cuddles dk)
Needles size 3.75mm (US5) and 4mm (US6), one small button
Tension: 24sts - 30 rows to 10cm (4in) in stocking stitch using 3.75 needles (or the size required to give correct tension.
Abbreviations:  Ss: stocking stitch (one row plain, one row purl), gs: garter stitch, every row knit k: knit, p: purl, inc: increase, dc: decrease, beg: beginning, sts: stitches, tog: together, sl1: slip one,  psso: pass slipped stitch over, yf: yarn forward


Using 3.75 needles and white fluffy yarn, cast on 51sts
Work 6 rows garter stitch
Change to 4mm needles and blue yarn
Work 8 rows ss
Dec 1st at each end of next and every following 8th row to 45sts   
Work 7 rows ss

Armhole shaping
(right side facing)
Cast off 2sts at beg of next 2 rows 41sts *
K2, purl to last 2sts k2
Rep last 2 rows 3 times
Divide for back opening
K20 turn
Cast on 2sts, k1, purl to last 2sts k2
Next row:  knit
Next row:  k2, purl to last 2sts k2
Rep last 2 rows 3 times
Next row:  knit
Cast off 3sts, purl to end
Cast off 7sts knit to end
Leave 12sts on holder

Return to remaining sts right side facing
Next row:    knit
Next row:    k2, purl to last 2sts, k2
Rep last 2 rows 4 times
Buttonhole row:  k2tog, yf, knit to end
Next row:    k2, purl to last 2sts, k2
Next row:    cast off 3sts, knit to end
Cast off 7sts, purl to end.
Leave 11sts on holder.

Using no 3.75 needles and white fluffy yarn, cast on 51sts
Work as back to * AT THE SAME TIME begin snowflake motif on row 21
Continuing with motif work as follows:
Next row:   k2, k2tog, knit to last 4sts, k2tog, k2
Next row:   K2, purl to last 2sts k2
Rep last 2 rows   37sts
Next row:   knit
Next row:   k2, purl to last 2sts, k2
Rep last 2 rows 2 times
Divide for neck
K11, turn continue for left neck   
Next row:   Purl to last 2sts, k2  
Next row:   knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1
Rep last 2 rows to 7sts
Work 3 rows ss with gs border
Cast off

Slip next 15st on to holder
Join yarn to remaining sts, right side facing
Next row:   K1, k2tog, knit to end
Next row:   k2, purl to end
Rep last 2 rows to 7sts
Work 3 rows ss with gs borders.
Cast off.


Sew shoulder seams
Left collar
Using 3.75 needles and white fluffy yarn, start at left back right side facing, knit across 11sts, pick up and knit 13sts down left front, 8 across front    32sts
Change to no 4mm needles.
Knit 8 rows gs, decreasing 1st at each end of 5th and 7th rows.
Cast off

Right collar
pick up middle st at front neck
With right side facing and 3.75 needles, join fluffy yarn and knit into the last st worked on left collar (middle st of 15 for neck, see photo) knit across remaining 7sts of front, pick up and knit 13sts up right front, and 12sts across back. 33sts
Change to no 4mm needles.
Knit 8 rows gs, decreasing 1st at each end of 5th and 7th rows.
Cast off

Leave a longish tail for slipstitching collar down.

To Finish
Sew side seams
Sew button to match buttonhole
Slip stitch collar down at front to keep in place

Fasten off all ends

snowflake chart

Monday, 23 October 2017

Teddy bear ribbed jacket

When I was shopping the other day I noticed a lovely ladies ribbed sweater in pastel shades.  I didn't buy it, instead I came up with this jacket for my build a bear.  Its an easy rib pattern which is seed stitch reversed, over 2 rows, with colour changes every 18 rows.  The sleeves are set in - I tried knitting them as part of the back but it didn't look quite right!   There are no fiddly front edges to pick up as the buttonholes are made in with the right front. 
The fit is for my 15" Lil Cub Build a Bear which should fit a 17" bear as well.  If you want to make a small item just go down a size needle.  
You will need about 30g of each colour, great for using up all those scraps in the stash.  In the pattern I've referred to the colours I used to make the writing up easier.  

Let me know how you got on if you make this and please, if you find any mistakes etc let me know so I can correct them.


Measurements:   15/17” Teddy Bear
Actual measurements:  Chest 17”, Length centre back 7”, Sleeve seam 3” (to make a small item go down a needle size)
Materials: 30g double knitting in each of three colours (I used Woolcraft baby dk)
Needles size 3.75mm (US5)and 4mm (US6), 3 small buttons
Tension: 24sts - 30 rows to 10cm (4in) in stocking stitch using 4mm needles (or the size required to give correct tension.             
Abbreviations:  k: knit, p: purl, Ss: stocking stitch (one row knit, one row purl), inc: increase, dc: decrease, beg: beginning, sts: stitches, tog: together, yf: yarn forward, patt: pattern


Using smaller needles and yellow, cast 51sts
Row 1:  knit
Row 2:  k1, p1 to last st, k1
These 2 rows form the rib pattern
Repeat 2 rows of pattern
Change to larger needles
Work a further 14 rows of pattern.
Change to blue
Work 12 rows pattern*
Armhole shaping
Cast off 6sts at beginning of next 2 rows
Work a further 4 rows of pattern in blue
Change to pink
Work 18 rows in pink
Cast off 7sts at beg of next 2 rows 
Fasten off yarn, leave 25sts on holder

Left Front

Using smaller needles and yellow, cast 27sts
Continue as back to *
Armhole shaping
Cast off 6sts, patt to end
Work 5 rows blue
Change to pink and work 5 rows
Shape neck
(wrong side) Cast off 7sts pattern to end 
Dec 1st at neck edge on every row to 7sts
Work 5 rows pattern
Cast off

Right Front

Using smaller needles and yellow, cast 27sts
Work 4 rows in pattern
Change to larger needles
Work 14 rows pattern
Change to blue
Work 2 rows pattern
Buttonhole row:  K1, k2tog, yf, patt to end
Work 7 rows pattern
Make buttonhole as above
Work 2 rows pattern  
Armhole shaping
(wrong side facing) Cast off 6sts patt to end
Work 4 rows pattern (18 rows blue)
Change to pink
Make buttonhole on next row
Work 3 rows pink
Shape neck
(right side facing)   Cast off 7sts, patt to end
Dec 1st at neck edge on every row to 7sts
Work 6 rows pattern
Cast off

Sleeves (make 2)

Using smaller needles and yellow, cast on 41sts
Work 4 rows in pattern as back
Change to larger needles
Work 8 rows pattern, place markers at each end of last row
work a further 6 rows pattern  
Cast off


Join shoulder seams
Using smaller needles with right side facing, miss first 5 cast off sts at edge, pick up and knit 17sts up right front, knit 25sts across back, pick up and knit 17sts down left front to beg of 5 cast off sts.    (59sts)
Work 2 rows in pattern as given for back
Change to larger needles and work a further 12 rows in pattern.
Cast off

To Finish

Join sleeve seam to markers
Sew in sleeves evenly placing centre of sleeves to shoulder seams.
Sew button on left front to correspond with buttonholes
Sew in all ends

PDF to download

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Teddy bear onesie

A teddy bear onesie using double knit, with either plain or an easy fair isle pattern. 

The pattern is in stocking stitch throughout with the legs made first then joined to continue with the body and raglan shaping for the arms. As the pattern is to fit a  15"/17" Build a bear, which are the 'sit down' type of bear, there is a lot of shaping at the back using short rows (Iv'e given full instructions for this - its really easy). If your bear isn't this type you could omit rows 19, 20, 23 and 24 on the left leg and rows 18,19,22 and 23 on the right leg.  But its best to check your knitting as you go to get a good fit.  
I used a self striping yarn (King Cole Cherish) for the plain onesie, with a plain contrast yarn which gives a lovely effect. The red and white fair isle would be great for Christmas. 

If you made this onesie please let me know how you got on (I would love to see a photo on Ravelry) 
if you find and errors or have any queries, let me know in the comments below.   Thanks

to fit a  15/16” Build a bear 
You will need:  75g double knitting yarn in main, 25g contrast 
Needles size 3.25mm ,and 4mm, 4 buttons
Tension: 24sts - 30 rows to 10cm (4in) in stocking stitch using 4mm needles (or the size required to give correct tension. 

Click here for the PDF pattern 

Saturday, 14 October 2017

Teddy Sports Kit

England Rugby Kit

Football Kit

Its the football and Rugby season so here’s a sports kit for bears. The pattern is for a shirt, shorts, boots/socks all made in double knitting yarn.
The sleeves are knit with the front and back of the shirt.
I've given materials needed but of course, you can knit these outfits in the colours of your team.  
The Football shirt has a stripe down the arms and a few gold stitches for the logo.

The shorts have a lot of shaping at the back to fit a ‘sit down’ type of build a bear.  If your bear is not this type omit rows 23 and 24 on the left back shaping and 22 and 23 on right leg
The logos for the Rugby shirt can be either knit as you go, (use two separate strands for the O logo) or embroidered after completing the shirt using duplicate stitch.   For the football shirt I used duplicate stitch in gold to create a ‘mock’ logo (the original logo was far too complicated)  if your new to duplicate stitch have a look at this tutorial   duplicate stitch
The boots and socks are worked in one piece.   

The outfit will fit a 15/16” bear. My model is 15” Lil Cub Build a bear

If you find any mistakes in this pattern please let me know either by the comments or contact me. Thanks

Measurements:   15/16” Build a bear (check your knitting as you go to adjust length for a good fit for your bear)
Actual measurements:   shirt: Chest 16”, Length centre back 7”, Sleeve seam 3”
Rugby Shirt and shorts   75g double knitting yarn in white, 25g green, 10g black, oddments of red, green and dark blue yarn for logos   OR  use the colours of your favourite team
Football shirt and shorts   75g double knitting yarn in your team’s colours in main and contrast, small oddment of yarn for logo
Boots    25g double knitting yarn in green, small oddments of black and white for socks.

Needles size 3.25, 3.75 and 4mm
Tension: 24sts - 30 rows to 10cm (4in) in stocking stitch using no 8 needles (or the size required to give correct tension.             
Abbreviations:  k: knit, p: purl, Ss: stocking stitch (one row knit, one row purl), inc: increase, dc: decrease, beg: beginning, sts: stitches, tog: together, yr, yarn forward, yon: yarn on needle, m1: slip loop between sts onto left hand needle and knit into back, k1s1psso: knit 1, slip 1, pass slipped stitch over.
wrt k wrap and turn knitwise - yf, sl st from left hand needle onto right hand needle, yb, sl st back onto left hand needle
wrt p wrap and turn purlwise - yb, sl st from left hand needle onto right hand needle, yf, sl st back onto left hand needle

England Rugby Shirt

Back and sleeves
Using 3.25 needles and white, (or the colours of your team) cast on 45sts
Work 6 rows k1, p1 rib
Change to no 4mm needles
Work 22 rows ss
Increase for sleeves
Next row:  Cast on 4sts at beg of next 2 rows (53sts)
Work 22 rows ss
Cast off 15sts at beg of next 2 rows
Fasten off yarn, leave 23sts on holder

Front and sleeves
(Follow chart for positioning of logos) see notes above
As back to *
Work 8 rows ss
Shape neck
Next row:  k 19 turn
Continue for left front
Next row:  purl
** Dec 1st at neck edge on next and following 4 alternate rows   (15sts)
Work 5 rows ss  
Cast off.     Fasten off yarn

Right font neck shaping
With right side facing, slip centre 15sts onto holder. 
Re-join yarn and k 19
Work as left front from **

Join left shoulder seam
Using 3.25 needles and with right side facing knit 23sts across back, pick up and knit 15sts down left front, knit 15sts at centre front, pick up and knit 15sts up right front.     (68sts)
Work 3 rows k1, p1 rib.
Cast off loosely in rib (I use a size larger needle)
To Finish
Join right shoulder
Sleeve edging

With right side facing using no 3.25 needles and black, pick up and knit 40sts evenly along sleeve edge.   Work 1 row k1, p1 rib.  Cast off loosely ( I use a size larger needle)

Sew left shoulder seam.  Sew side seams. Sew in all ends


Worked from the hem
Left leg
Using No 3.75 needles and white cast on 56sts
Work 4 rows k1, p1 rib
Change to no 4mm needles
Work 2 rows ss*
Row 1:            cast off 4sts knit to end
Row 2:            cast off 2sts purl to end   50sts
Rows 3-5:      dec 1 st at each end of next and following alt row   (46sts)
Row 6:            purl
Rows 7-13:   dec 1 st at beg of next and every alternate row to 42sts
Row 14:         purl
Row 15:         K2tog, k18, wrt k
Row 16:         purl to end
Row 17:         k2tog, knit across all sts
Row 18:         Purl
Rows 19-20: Rep rows 15 and 16  (38sts)
Row 21:         Knit
Row 22:         purl
Row 23:         k19, wrt k
Row 24:         purl to end
Work 2 rows ss across all sts
Change to no 10 needles and work 4 rows k1, p1 rib.
Cast off loosely in rib

Right leg
Work as left leg to *
Row 1:            cast off 2sts knit to end
Row 3:            cast off 4sts purl to end
Rows 3-5:      dec 1 st at each end of next and alt row   (46sts)
Row 6:            purl
Rows 7-13:   dec 1 st at end of next and every alternate row to 42sts
Row 14:         (wrong side) p18, wrt p
Row 15:         k to last 2 sts, k2tog
Row 16:         purl across all sts
Row 17:         k to last 2 sts, k2tog
Rows 18-19 rep rows 14 and 15   (38sts)
Row 20:         Purl across all sts
Row 21:         Knit
Row: 22         purl 18, wrt p
Row: 23         knit
Work 3 rows ss across all sts
Change to 3.25 needles and work 4 rows k1, p1 rib.
Cast off loosely in rib
To finish
Sew leg seams.  Placing right sides of legs together (one leg inside the other), sew back and front seams leaving a gap for the tail at the back.
Sew in all ends

Boots and socks

Using 3.25 needles and green cast on 28sts
Row 1:  knit
Row 2:  k1, m1, k12, m1, k2, m1, k12, m1 k1  (32sts)
Row 3 and every alt row:  knit
Row 4:  k2, m1, k12, m1, k4, m1, k12, m1 k2 (36sts)
Row 6:  k3, m1, k12, m1, k6, m1, k12, m1 k3   (40sts)
Row 8:  k4, m1, k12, m1, k8, m1, k12, m1 k4   (44sts)
Row 10:  k5, m1, k12, m1, k10, m1, k12, m1 k5  (48sts)
Row 12:  k6, m1, k12, m1, k12, m1, k12, m1 k6  (52sts)
Change to no 3.75 needles. using black and starting with a knit row, work 2 rows ss
Change to green
Work 6 rows ss
Shape top
Row 1:            k31, s1k1 psso, turn  
Row 2:            s1, p10, p2tog, turn
Row 3:            s1, k10, s1k1 psso, turn
Repeat rows 2 and 3  five times 
Row:  12:       s1, p10, p2tog, turn    
Row 9             s1, k to end of row across all sts  (38sts)
Row 10           knit
Change to black
Work 10 rows ss
Change to white and 3.25 needles
Work 2 rows k1, p1 rib
Cast off 
Join foot and back seam

To finish
Laces:   Using single black yarn, thread yarn through boots as shown on photo.  Tie a secure knot
Studs:   Using single black yarn, work French knots on sole of boots, three on each side at front and two on the back of the boots.

Football Shirt

As rugby top using your team’s colours BUT with the following change:
On the front neck shaping work until finished decreasing, then 3 rows stocking stitch, change to contrast and stocking stitch 2 rows.  Cast off
For the logo I added a few duplicate sts in gold.  

Rugby shirt chart