Tuesday 19 December 2017

Baby Annabell Jacket

This is my first attempt at a jacket for a 14" Baby Annabell Doll.  Its made in one piece to the armhole and has raglan shaping.  I picked a simple eyelet pattern because I didn't want anything too fussy while I was working out the sizing and stitches.  I used a budget yarn which knits up a bit bigger than the more expensive yarns so check your tension and add a few more stitches and rows if necessary. 

If you make this jacket and find any typos or errors, please let me know.  

Measurements:   14” 36cm, Baby Annabell doll

Actual measurements: 
Chest 13”, Length centre back 6”, Sleeve seam 3”

Materials: 50g double knitting yarn (I used Woolcraft Baby Care in pink), 
Needles size 3.25mm (US3) and 4mm (US6),  3 small buttons

Tension: 22sts - 30 rows to 10cm (4in) in stocking stitch using 4mm needles

Abbreviations:  Ss: stocking stitch (one row knit, one row purl), gs: garter stitch – every row knit, k: knit, p: purl, inc: increase, dc: decrease, beg: beginning, sts: stitches, tog: together, re: repeat. Yf: yarn forward, ssk: slip next 2sts onto right hand needle then slip left hand needle into front loops and knit them both off together. (or use sl1k1psso)

Fronts and Back  

Worked in one piece to armholes
Using smaller needles cast on 77sts
Work 6 rows gs
Change to larger needles
row 1:      knit
row 2       K4, purl to last 4sts, k4
row 3:      (k4, k2tog, yf) 12 times, k5
row 4:      K4, purl to last 4sts, k4
row 5:      knit
row 6:      K4, purl to last 4sts, k4
row 7:      k3, (k4, k2tog, yf) 11 times, k8
row 8:      K4, purl to last 4sts, k4

These 8 rows form the pattern.  Repeat pattern once then rows 1 to 4

Divide for armholes
(buttonhole) K1, k2tog, yf, patt 15, cast off 4sts, patt 33 (this includes st on right hand needle)  cast off 4sts, patt to end

Turn and continue on 18sts for left front:
K4, purl to last st, k1
K1, ssk, patt to end
Repeat last 2 rows to 13sts, ending on neck edge
K4, sl these 4sts onto thread, purl to last sts, k1
K1, ssk, patt to last 2sts, k2tog
purl to last st, k1
Rep last 2 rows to 3sts
P2tog, k1
Fasten off yarn

Re-join yarn to 33st for back, wrong side facing
K1, purl to last st, k1
k1, ssk, patt to last 3sts, k2tog, k1
Rep last 2 rows to 17sts ending on wrong side row
Fasten off yarn, place sts on a holder

Re-join yarn to right front, wrong side facing   
K1, purl to last 4sts, k4
Patt to last 3sts, k2tog, k1
Rep last 2 rows to 16sts, ending on neck edge
(buttonhole) K1, k2tog, yf, k1, patt to last 3sts, k2tog, k1
Continue dec raglan to 13sts, ending on neck edge
K4, sl these 4sts onto thread, k2tog, k to last 3sts, k2tog, k1
K1, purl to end
k2tog, k to last 3sts, k2tog, k1
K1, purl to end
Rep last 2 rows to 3sts
k1, p2tog
Fasten off yarn


Using no smaller cast on 25sts
Work 6 rows gs
Change to larger needles
row 1:      knit
row 2       purl
row 3:      k2, (k2tog, yf, k4) 3 times, k2tog, yf, k3
row 4:      purl
row 5:      knit inc 1st each end of row
row 6:      purl
row 7:      k6, (k2tog, yf, k4) 3 times, k to end
row 8:      purl
These 8 rows form the pattern.  Repeat pattern once. Noting the inc on 5th row. Work inc sts into pattern   29sts

Shape armholes
Cast off 2sts at beg of next 2 rows
K1, ssk, patt to last 3sts, k2tog, k1
K1, purl to last st, k1
Rep the last 2 rows to 9sts, fast off yarn. Place sts on holder


With right side facing and beg a right front edge, using smaller needles, miss 4sts, pick up and knit 7sts up front edge, 9sts across sleeves, k17sts across back, 9sts across sleeve, 7sts down left front edge and 4sts left on thread.  (57sts including first 4sts)
Knit across all sts
Buttonhole k1, k2tog, yf, k to end
Knit one row
Cast off and fasten off yarn

To Finish

Sew up raglan seams and sleeve seams.
Sew on 3 buttons to match buttonholes.
Fasten off all ends

PDF pattern to download


  1. love the pattern only mistake is at right side front first roe. need to knit the last 4 stitches, not purl to end.

    1. Thanks for pointing this out. I've amended the pattern

    2. Thanks for the pattern. In case I need to make for a baby upto 1 year...increase 10 stitches is fine.i mean doubling the stitches?

    3. This pattern would fit a tiny new born but can't say how you could make it larger for older babies as I don't have any babies in the family for sizing etc

  2. Great pattern, lovely to knit, I did find a couple of mistakes though. The first one is on row 3 at the end of the row I found that it was better to do yawed before the knit 3 other wise you lose a stitch. Also on Row 7 you have got k7 at the end, but there are not enough stitches so just knitted the remaining stitches which worked OK.

    1. Hi
      thanks for pointing this out. I've amended the pattern as you suggest. Linda

  3. Thankyou for these patterns - lovely little 'lockdown' projects that I am working my way through and sending to my 5 year old grand daughter. Just finished this one in a lovely sparkly pink wool - she was delighted, although has requested 'leggings' to match! I am looking to do these using your Pram Set pattern this week (she's waiting! :D) - I'm sure will be adding to Baby Annabelle's wardrobe for a while. Best wishes, Oonagh

    1. Thank you for your lovely message.  My patterns have been very popular during this lockdown so I'm happy that I have, in some small way, helped people get through this troubling time.
      Happy knitting and stay safe


  4. Just found your site (through Ravelry) - lovely patterns, thank you.

  5. Cant wait to knit one for my 5yr-old grand-daughter TQ. Hope fr more free patterns

  6. Thank you for allowing people to use your lovely patterns.
    I am on my third, my niece is delighted with them.

  7. TQ again for the beautiful pattern my grand-daughter says it is beautiful too. Wonder if u mk knitted baby bottles/warmers?

  8. Thank you all for your kind comments

  9. Its a pity that the errors previously noted (end of sentences "chopped off" when pattern is printed out), have not been ramended, even though in 2019, you did say you would rectify this situation. Love the pattern..1st time knitter for a patterned garment, but feel confident of following your instructions. Happy Easter

  10. Hi great pattern used it as a guide for my little grandaughters baby Annabell
    Copying a full size cardie I knit for her
    From one Linda Mary to another

    1. hi. Great to know there's another Linda Mary out there. I started knitting dolls clothes and then posting them online after I knit a little fair isle cardigan for my granddaughter, and with the left over yarn, made one for her Barbie doll. That first pattern is still in my Ravelry store! My 4 granddaughters are well past the doll stage now but I still love to knit dolls clothes as a hobby

  11. Do not understand this pattern when you start at armholes from having to (continue pattern) without you being more specific in written instructions on this, the stitches for eyelets are messed up. You have to figure it out. Plus to put 4 stitches on thread??!! Why was this not done all in one piece from top to bottom? Very frustrating. Gorgeous pattern and I thank you for your free patterns but this one is a brain banger.
