Thursday, 30 May 2019

Teddy top down dress

The dress is knit in one piece from the neck down on double pointed or circular needles so there' s no seaming.   

If you want to knit this dress on single point needles (worked flat) there is a link for a pattern below.

To fit a 15"/38cm build a bear

If you find and errors or have any queries, let me know by commenting below or contacting me via the contact form.   Thanks

Materials 100g dk yarn,  I used King Cole cherish in blue
No 3.25mm and 4mm double pointed or circular needles
Tension 24sts x 28 rows x 10cm using 4mm needles over stocking stitch

Using 3.25mm needles cast on 64sts, join into round
rounds begin at centre back
Rnd 1  knit
Rnd 2  purl
Repeat last 2 rnds
Change to 4mm needles and begin yoke shaping
Rnd 1    (k8, yf, k2, yf, k12, yf, k2, yf, k8) 2 times         72sts
Rnd 2 and every alternate rnd:  knit
Rnd 3    (k9, yf, k2, yf, k14, yf, k2, yf, k9) 2 times          80sts
Rnd 5    (k10, yf, k2, yf, k16, yf, k2, yf, k10) 2 times      88sts
Continue increasing 8sts on each alt round as set, to 136sts
Rnd 18  (k18, p32, k18) 2 times
Rnd19   (k18, cast off 32sts, k18) 2 times

Rnd 20 join back and front:  k18, cast on 2sts, knit across 36st of front, cast on 2sts, knit across 18sts of back     76sts   
Next rnd    purl
Next rnd    knit
Next rnd    purl
Rep last 2 rounds
Inc rnd:    (kfb 15 times, k8, kfb 15 times) 2 times     136sts

Begin skirt pattern:
Rnd 1    knit
Rnd 2    (k2tog, yf, k6) to end
Rnds 3-5    knit
Rnd 6    k4 (k2tog, yf, k6) to last 4sts, k2tog, yf k2
Rnds 7-8    knit
These 8 rnds form the pattern.  Repeat until skirt measures 3” ending on rnd 6

Hem pattern:  
Rnd 1    knit   
Rnd 2    (k3, k2tog, yf, k1, yf, ssk)) rep to end
Rnd 3    knit to end, knit first stitch from left hand needle then begin next round
Rnd 4    k1, k2tog, yf, k3, yf, ssk) rep to end
Rnd 5    knit, slip last stitch worked onto left hand needle to begin next round
Rnd 6    (s1, k2tog, psso, yf, k5, yf) rep to end
Rnd 7    purl
Rnd 8    knit
Rnd 9    purl
Cast off


  1. It's soooo cute! Thank you for sharing the pattern.
    Greeting from Italy,

    1. Thanks for your comments.
      Hello from damp cold north England

    2. I really like this pattern but need it to fit a 12" doll. Any way you could recalculate it for me for a smaller doll? I have been making your similar yellow dress pattern which fits great. Or any other easy patterns that you think I could do? I like when it is all done in one piece...without attaching the arms. Thanks Jane

    3. Hi The only suggestion I can think of is to knit the yellow dress to just after the yoke. On the increase row work kfb on every stitch to make 104sts.
      The skirt of the teddy dress has an multiple of 8sts pattern so you can now just follow the pattern the the skirt on the teddy dress. Hope this helps.

  2. How does this fasten at the back, I can’t see any buttonholes in the pattern? TIA ��

  3. Hi
    The dress doesn't have a back fastening as the neck is large enough to go over teddy head


    1. Thanks for the answer I'm knitting it soon for my Stuffed Cat 💗😽

  4. Hi, thanks for the lovely pattern. Can you please tell me what the abbreviation skk is in the hem pattern? Not familiar with it and I can't find any info for that one anywhere online.

    1. Hi Jayne
      You will find all the knitting abbreviations in the header of the blog

  5. Hi, I have just looked at your knitting abbreviations on your blog as you suggested and you don't have the skk that you have in the hem pattern listed there. Not sure what stitch is next in pattern.

  6. Hi Jayne

    I'm so sorry, just checked the abbrev list and realised I had done a typo in the pattern. It should of course be SSK. I've amended the pattern and thanks for pointing this out.

  7. Thanks...and thanks again for the lovely pattern.

  8. can you please clarify rows 3 and 5?

    1. of the hem. sorry

    2. Hi
      Rnd 3 knit to end, knit first st from left hand needle then begin next round
      You knit the first stitch then the next round begins – this is to keep the continuity of the pattern and so there enough stitches to work the ssk at the end of the round, if you are using markers, just knit the next stitch then place your marker for the beginning of the round

      Rnd 5 knit, slip last st worked onto left hand needle to begin round,
      You slip the last stitch back onto left hand needle so you can start the next round with sl1, k1, psso,

      Hope this helps

    3. Hello Linda.. anain I must extend grattitude and appreciation for all your time and kindness in posting all the doll and teddy patterns.. you are so very kind and thoughtful.. if you are posting neww patterns if you have a list of people that you notify.. would you please add me to your list... again thank you for all your thoughtfulness...diana

  9. Thank you for this pattern, I'm using it to become my niece's favourite aunt as it's for her rag doll.

    I've come a bit unstuck on round 6 of the hem.

    If I go (....k5, yf) (S1, k2tog...) The yf ends up just wrapping the front of the slipped stitch if the yarn goes back to normal for the k2tog.

    If I leave the yarn in front for both the s1 and the k2tog, I do make an extra stitch but it crosses over the slipped stitch.

    Which is correct, please? Thank you!

  10. Thank you, linmary, for your beautiful little teddy dress ... I love it! ♥ Stay safe!

  11. I just found this treasure. Love the pattern, Thank you very much for you generosity of making it available,


  12. Thank you for sharing this lovely pattern. I have a cuddly little doll that I feel will be "best dressed" when she wears this. I appreciate your kindness.

  13. Hello from Italy, love your fabulous pattern, just wanted to ask what row 5 means.can't get the stitch count right. (Teddy top down dress) Thank you very much

    1. Hi thanks for your lovely comments. I have had a look at row 5 on the pattern which is worked flat.
      Row 5 (k10, yf, k2, yf, k16, yf, k2, yf, k10) 2 times 88sts
      yf (yarn forward) creates a stitch, so there are 8 extra stitches in the row brining the total to 88

      hope this helps

  14. Hi! I am using your flat version. In rows 1, 3, and 5 in the top of the dress, after knitting directions in the parentheses 2 times, I have extra stitches still to knit. This has resulted in the pattern not going across those last stitches. My stitch count is correct on each row. Could you please advise me. Thank you! Georgetta

    1. I have double checked the pattern and the stitch count etc is ok. Perhaps written out like this might help

      Row 1 k8, yf, k2, yf, k12, yf, k2, yf, k16 yf, k2, yf, k12, yf, k2, yf, k8 72sts
      Row 2 and every alternate row: purl
      Row 3 k9, yf, k2, yf, k14, yf, k2, yf, k18, yf, k2, yf, k14, yf, k2, yf, k9 80sts
      Row 5 k10, yf, k2, yf, k16, yf, k2, yf, k20, yf, k2, yf, k16, yf, k2, yf, k10 88sts

    2. What does it mean “cont as set “ when I reach the end of the 5 th row. 88 sts

  15. Hi - I have got to the skirt on the flat knit version and done the first 8 rows. Do I now add 2 stitches on every 1st row repeat and if so what happens to the pattern following? Sorry if I am just being thick!

    1. Hi

      You only increase on the first row. I've amended the pattern.

  16. How do I continue after row 5 please . Knitting top down dress ( flat). Not sure what “ continue as set “ means. Do I repeat rows 1 To 5 until I have 136 sts or do I just repeat row 5 with a purl row until I have 136 sts . Think I’m just having a bit of brain freeze. Help needed please thanks in advance

    1. As set means the pattern for increasing 8 stitches on each alternate row
      therefore row 7 will be: (k11, yf, k2, yf, k18, yf, k2, yf, k11) 2 times
      row 9 will be: (k12, yf, k2, yf, k20, yf, k2, yf, k12) 2 times

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. I can’t get the pdf in the round to download. Any suggestions! Beautiful pattern!

    1. If the link is working, you then click the download button which is an arrow at the top of the screen next to the pattern name.

  19. I'm loving knitting this teddy dress. You said to mention if mistakes are found. Just one in row 5 of the skirt pattern on flat needles. You have 'to last 4 sts' at the end of row 5. It should be to last 5 sts then k2tog,yf,k3. Thanks again for this lovely dress pattern, I'm knitting it for my daughter's teddy.

  20. Hi. What size round needles is it? 16 inch?

    1. Any length of circular needles will work, though for longer needles you may have to work a magic loop
