Friday 6 April 2018

teddy bear striped dresses

Anchor dress

Yellow dress

Two more dresses for your bear. Both will fit a 15" build a bear.
The dress is knit from the hem up with sleeves knit in with the bodice.  The anchor is embroidered on after the dress is completed. I used duplicate stitch but cross stitch would work

If you have any queries about this pattern or find any mistakes please let me know either in the comments or by contacting me.  

Materials: Dress with anchor: 100g dk yarn blue, 10g white, small amount of red
Yellow dress: 100g yellow, 10g main, small amount of pink
No 3.25mm and 4mm needles
Tension   24sts x 30rows x 4" no 4mm needles, stocking stitch
Abbreviations: k: knit, p: purl, tog: together, sts: stitches, yf: yarn forward, S1: slip one stitch, garter stitch: every row knit,

Dress with Anchor


Using 3.25 needles and blue yarn, cast on 72sts
Work 6 rows in garter stitch
Change to 4mm needles and stocking stitch until work measures 4.5” ending on a purl row
Next row: (k2tog) across row (36sts)
Work 3 rows garter stitch
Change to white, work 2 rows, change to blue work 2 rows
Following stripes as set work 4 more rows.
(right side facing) Cast on 6sts at the beginning of next 2 rows. 48sts *
Work 20 rows (following stripe pattern)
Cast off 12sts at beg of next 2 rows. Fasten off yarn, Leave 24sts on holder


As back to *
Work 8 rows in stripes

Keep stripe pattern correct
Neck shaping:
Next row: k16, turn
Continue on 16sts for left front
Next row: purl
Next row: k to last 3sts, k2tog, k1
Repeat last 2 rows 3 times 12sts
Work 3 rows ss
Cast off. Fasten off yarn leaving a tail for sewing seam.

Right front
Slip st next 16sts on to holder
Following stripe pattern, rejoin yarn to remaining 16sts right side facing and knit to end
Next row purl
Next row: k1, ssk, k to end
Rep last 2 rows 3 times 12sts
3 rows ss
Cast off. Fasten off yarn leaving a tail for shoulder sewing seam.


Join left shoulder seam
Using 3.25 needles and blue yarn, with right side facing knit across 24sts left on holder for back, pick up and knit 13sts down left front, 16sts centre front, 13sts up right front 66sts
Work 3 rows k1, p1 rib fasten off main and contrast
Cast off in red
Fasten off

To finish

Sew right shoulder seam
Using 3,25 needles and blue, pick up ad knit 40sts around edge of sleeve, work 3 rows k1, p1 rib, cast off in red. Fasten off yarn

Sew side seams
Using red, embroider anchor motif using duplicate stitch.  see photo for positioning
Fasten off all ends

Anchor chart

Yellow dress

Work as Anchor dress with the following changes

Hem: work 2 rows yellow 2 rows blue and 2 rows pink
Use yellow for skirt and yellow and blue stripes for bodice
Cast off neck and sleeves edgings using pink

With no 3.50 crochet hook and pink, make 3ch, 6dc in 3rd ch from hook, slip stitch to top of 1st dc, (3ch, 1dc) to last dc, slip stitch in dc.
sew on to front of dress as shown on photo


  1. Please advise, when knitting the neckband which side should be facing when knitting the left shoulder seam? Not sure which is left side?? Thanks.

    1. neckband: turn the work to the back, sew the seam on the left side, then begin neckband on the right side, knit across the stitches of the back continue with pattern, hope this helps

  2. We’re can I go to get these pattern’s the yellow dress and the blue one next to it

    1. The pattern is on this blog
