Showing posts with label Valentine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Valentine. Show all posts

Tuesday 30 January 2018

Barbie Heart Sweater

As its nearly Valentines day, I've posted this heart sweater, which takes only 25g of dk yarn and a small amount of contrast. 

The front, back and sleeves are made to the armhole then the raglan shaping knit in one piece.  Its always a challenge to try and make these small items easy and less fiddly to knit and with this way there is only a smallish seam for one raglan and then the arm and sides can be sewn up in one seam.  When making the motif, use separate strands of pink yarn so you don't carry yarn across the motif.  When changing colour twist the yarn to avoid a gap.  If your new to block colour knitting (intarsia) try this tutorial  

I've designed this pattern to fit the basic Barbie but, as its a loose fit should also fit the new curvy fashionista doll.

As always, please let me know if you find any mistakes or have any queries.  

To fit : 12 in Barbie (latest model)
Materials: 25g pink and small amount red, double knitting yarn
Needles size 3mm, and 3.25  (US3), Small button
Tension: 28sts and 32 rows over 4 in (stocking stitch) on 3.25 needles
Abbreviations: k: knit, p: purl, ss: stocking stitch (one row plain, one row purl), inc: increase, dc: decrease, beg: beginning, sts: stitches, tog: together, psso: pass slipped stitch over  (or use ssk)


Using smaller needles and pink, cast on 19sts
Work k1, p1 rib for 4 rows, inc 1 st at each end of last row (21sts)
Change to larger needles
Work chart A
Using pink, work 4 rows ss
Work chart B (11 rows)
Next row:  purl
Armhole shaping
Cast off 2sts at beg of next 2 rows    17sts
Leave sts on holder


Work as front, excluding motif

Sleeves (make 2)
With 3mm needles and pink, cast on 16sts
Work k1, p1 rib for 4 rows
Change to 3.25 needles
Work chart A
Work 16 rows ss, inc 1 st at each end of 5th row (18sts)
Armhole shaping
Cast off 2sts at beg of next 2 rows    14sts
Leave sts on holder. Don’t fasten off yarn after second sleeve.

Raglan shaping

With right side facing slip sts onto left hand needle in the following order: 17sts back, 14sts first sleeve, 17sts front, 14sts second sleeve,  yarn should be at the beginning of row.   62sts

Row 1:    k1, sl,k1,psso, k9, k2tog, sl,k1,psso, k13, k2tog, sl,k1,psso, k10,  
              k2tog, sl,k1,psso, k12, k2tog, k1
Row 2:    purl
Row 3:    k1, sl,k1,psso, k7, k2tog, sl,k1,psso, k11, k2tog, sl,k1,psso, k8,  
              k2tog, sl,k1,psso, k10, k2tog, k1       
Row 4:    purl

Work 4 more rows decreasing as set to 30sts,  Don’t fasten off yarn and continue with neckband


Change to 3.25 needles
Next row:  (k1,p1) 3 times, k2tog, (p1,k1) 2 times, p1, K2tog, (p1, k1) 3times, k2tog, (p1,k1) 2 times, p1, k2tog  26sts

Work 1 row k1, p1 rib.
Next row: (buttonhole row) k2tog, yf, rib to end
Cast off in rib.

To finish

Sew raglan seam with buttonhole to 1” of neck edge.
Sew side and sleeve seams, fasten off all ends
Sew on small button to correspond with buttonholes
neaten all ends

Chart A

Chart B