Another of my patterns that I've amended to fit an 18in doll. The all in one is nice and roomy and fits most 18in dolls but check on the length of legs and sleeves as you go. My models are My generation doll and Designafriend
4mm and 3.25mm needles
All in one: 75g dk yarn in main, 10g contrast,
Tension (Gauge): 24sts x 28 rows using 4mm needles over stocking stitch
k: knit, p: purl, st(s): stitch(es),tog: together
Left leg
Using 3.25m needles cast on 26stsWork 6 rows k1, p1 rib. Change to 4mm needles
Next row k2, (kfb, K1) x 12 38sts
Next row purl
Continue in stocking stitch, increase 1 stitch at each end of 13th and every following 12th row to 44sts, then every alternate row to 48sts ending on a purl row (42 rows)
Check the length from hem to top of leg on your doll and add more rows if needed
Cast off 2sts at beg of next 2 rows *
Leave 44sts on a holder
Right leg
As left leg to * don’t fasten off yarnJoin legs
Row 1 knit across 44sts of right leg then continue across 44sts of left leg 88sts**Row 2 purl
Row 3 k41, ssk, k2 k2tog, k41 86sts
Row 4 purl
Row 5-8 4 rows stocking stitch
Cast off 3sts at beg of next 2 rows 80sts
Work 18 rows stocking stitch
Shape armholes
Base row K16, cast off 6sts, k36 (includes st on left hand needle after casting off) cast off 6sts, k16Left front
Row 1 purl 16 turn (leave remaining sts on needle)Row 2 k1, k2tog, knit to end
Row 3 purl
Rows 4-9 repeat rows 2 and 3 to 12sts,
place a marker at beg of last row
Shape neck
Row 1 k1, k2tog, knit to last 2sts, k2tog 10sts Row 2 purl
Rows 3 to 8 repeat rows 1 and 2 to 4sts
Row 9 k2tog x 2
Row 10 p2tog
Fasten off yarn leaving a thread for sewing seam
Rejoin yarn to next 36sts, wrong side facing
for back
Row 1 purl 36, turn (leave remaining sts on needle)
Row 2 k1, k2tog, knit to last 3sts, ssk, k1
Row 3 purl
Repeat last 2 rows to 16sts
Fasten off yarn and leave sts on a thread
Right front
Rejoin yarn to next 16sts, wrong side facing
Row 1 purl 16
Row 1 knit to last 3sts, ssk, k1
Row 3 purl
Rows 4-9 repeat rows 3 and 4 to 12sts
place a marker at end of last row
Shape neck
Row 1 ssk, knit to last 3sts, ssk, k1 10sts
Row 2 purl
Rows 3 to 8 repeat rows 1 and 2 to 4sts
Row 9 ssk x 2
Row 10 p2tog
Sleeves make 2
Using 3.25mm needles cast on 26sts, work 4 rows k1, p1 rib
Change to 4mm needles
Next row k2, (kfb, K2) x 8 34sts
Next row purl
Work 18 rows stocking stitch
Check length on your doll
Shape armholes
Cast off 3sts at beg of next 2 rows 28stsNext row k1, k2tog, k to last 3sts ssk, k1
Next row purl
Repeat last 2 rows to 8sts
Fasten off yarn and leave sts on holder
Using 3.25mm needles, with right side facing, beginning at right front edge marker, pick up and knit 8sts up right front, 8sts across first sleeve, k7 k2tog, k7 across back, 8sts across second sleeve, pick up and knit 8sts down left front to marker. 47stsWork 4 rows p1, k1 rib. Cast off in rib.
Left front band
With right side facing, using 3.25 needles, pick up and knit 33sts along left front edge, starting at neck edge to first set off cast off sts. Work 5 rows p1, k1 rib. Cast off in rib
Right front band
With right side facing, using 3.25 needles, pick up and knit 33sts along right front edge starting at second set of cast off sts to neck edge. Work 2 rows k1, p1 rib.Buttonhole row: p1, k1, (yon, k2tog, rib 6) x 3 yon, k2tog, rib 5
Rib 2 rows. Cast off
To finish
Sew side seams of legs and sleeves, sew back seam and front seam to front bands.
Overlap front bands with buttonhole band on top, and sew into place at centre front
Sew on 4 buttons to correspond with buttonholes. Sew in all ends