Friday, 1 February 2019

Barbie Aran

Aran Jacket


This is an easy aran pattern of stocking stitch with 4 rows cable repeat.  
The sweater has a back neck fastening for easy fit.  I sewed the side seams to the end of the rib which gives it a more up to date look.  If you want a longer sweater, or even a dress, just do a few more rows of pattern.

I love my hobby of designing patterns and posting them online.  But I often can’t find anyone who has the time to test my patterns, although I do knit them up a few times myself.  So mistakes can slip by, especially typos when transferring the pattern to my blog.  So, please, please, if you find and errors or have any queries, let me know either by commenting below or contacting me via the contact form.   Thanks

Materials:  30g double knitting yarn, small button for sweater, 4 small buttons for cardigan, Needles size 3.25 and 3.75mm, cable needle
Measurements: to fit 11/12” fashion doll, and Barbie Fashionista dolls
Tension: 24sts x 32rows over Stocking stitch x 4” using no 3.75 needles
Special Abbreviations: C4b: slip next 2sts onto cable needle and leave at back of work, k2, then k2 from cable needle.


Using 3.25 needles cast on 20sts
Work k1, p1 rib for 3 rows
Next row:  rib 5, pfb, kfb, rib 6, pfb, kfb, rib 5   (24sts)
Change to 3.75 needles
Row 1:   k4 (p1, c4b, p1, k4) 2 times
Row 2:   p4 (k1, p4, k1 p4) 2 times
Row 3:   k4 (p1, k4, p1, k4) 2 times
Row 2:   p4 (k1, p4, k1 p4) 2 times
These 4 rows form the pattern, rep 3 times then rows 1 and 2 (total of 18 patterns rows)
Armhole shaping
Keeping pattern correct, cast off 2sts at beg of next 2 rows    20sts*
Work a further 8 rows in pattern
Shape neck
Row 1:  patt 5, k2tog, turn
Continue on 6sts for left front
Row 2:  patt to end
Row 3:  patt to last 2sts, k2tog      5sts
Row 4:  patt to end
Cast off 5sts, leave a thread for sewing shoulder seam.

With right side facing, slip next 6st onto a thread, re-join yarn and continue for right front
Row 1:  k2tog, patt to end    6sts
Row 2:  patt to end
Row 3:  k2tog, patt to end   5sts
Row 4:  patt to end
Cast off 5sts, leave a thread for sewing shoulder seam

As front to *
Work a further 12 rows in pattern
Cast off 5sts at beg of next 2 rows

Do not fasten off yarn, continue for neckband
Right side facing, change to 3.25 needles
Knit across 10sts of back, pick up and knit 6sts down left front, knit 6sts left on thread, then 6sts up right front.  28sts
Row 1:  cast on 3sts, (for back fastening) k1, p1 rib to end  31sts
Row 2:  rib to last 2sts, yon, k2tog
Cast off in rib
Sew left shoulder seam, sew right shoulder seam to rib. 


With right side facing and no 3.75 needles pick up and knit 18sts around arm edge excluding cast off sts. see photo

Work 19 rows ss, placing a marker at each end of 3th row
Change to 3.25 needles and work 3 rows k1, p1 rib
Cast off in rib, leave a thread for sewing seam.

To finish
Sew up sleeve seam to markers, Sew side (i sewed the side seam to rib) and underarm seams
Sew on small button to correspond with buttonhole on neck
Finish off all ends


As back of sweater. Fasten off yarn and leave 10sts on holder

Left front
Using 3.25 needles cast on 10sts
Work k1, p1 rib for 3 rows
Next row:  rib 3, pfb, kfb, rib 5    (12sts)
Change to 3.75 needles
Row 1:  k4, p1, c4b, p1, k2
Row 2:  p2 k1, p4, k1 p4
Row 3:  k4, p1, p4, p1, k2
Row 2:  p2 k1, p4, k1 p4
These 4 rows form the pattern, rep 3 times then rows 1 and 2 (total of 18 patterns rows)
Armhole shaping
Keeping pattern correct, cast off 2sts, patt to end 10sts
Work a further 8 rows in pattern
Shape neck
Row 1: ws, cast off 3sts, patt to end   7sts
Row 2: patt to last 2sts, k2tog
Row 3: patt to end
Row 4:   patt to last 2sts, k2tog
Row 5:   patt to end
Cast off 5sts
Leave a thread for sewing seam

Right front
Using 3.25 needles cast on 10sts
Work k1, p1 rib for 3 rows
Next row:  rib 5, pfb, kfb, rib 3    (12sts)
Change to 3.75 needles
Row 1:  k2, p1, c4b, p1, k4
Row 2:  p4 k1, p4, k1 p2
Row 3:  k2, p1, p4, p1, k4
Row 2:  p4 k1, p4, k1 p2
These 4 rows form the pattern, rep 3 times then rows 1 to 3 (total of 19 patterns rows)
Armhole shaping
Keeping pattern correct, cast off 2sts, patt to end 10sts
Work a further 8 rows in pattern
Shape neck
Row 1: rs, cast off 3sts, patt to end   7sts
Row 2: patt to end
Row 3: k2tog, patt to end
Row 4:  patt to end
Row 5:  k2tog, patt to end
Cast off 5sts leave thread for sewing

Sleeves as sweater

Sew shoulder seams
using 3.25 needles, beg at right front edge, right side facing pick up and knit 6sts up right front, k10 across back, pick up and knit 6sts down left front.  22sts
work 3 rows k1, p1 rib,  cast off

Left front band
Using 3.25 needles, rs facing, pick up and knit 28sts along left front edge, from neck to hem.  Work 3 rows k1, p1 rib   cast off

Right front band
Using 3.25 needles, rs facing, pick up and knit 28sts along right front edge, from hem to neck.  Work 1 row k1, p1 rib
Buttonhole row:  p1, (k2tog, yf, rib 6) 3 times, k2tog, yf rib 1
Work 1 row rib.     cast off

To finish
Sew up sleeve seam to markers, Sew side and underarm seams
Sew on small buttons to correspond with buttonholes
Finish off all ends



Using 3.25 needles cast on 32sts and
work 7 rows k1, p1 rib
Rib 3, (pfb, kfb, rib 6) 3 times, pfb, kfb rib 3    40sts
Change to 3.75 needles
Row 1:   k2, (p1, c4b, p1, k4) 3 times, p1, c4b, p1, k2
Row 2:   p2, (k1, p4, k1, p4) 3 times, k1 p4, k1, p2
Row 3:   k2, (p1, k4, p1, k4) 3 times, p1, k4, p1, k2
Row 4:   p2, (k1, p4, k1, p4) 3 times, k1 p4, k1, p2
These 4 rows form the pattern. Rep rows 1 and 2
Shape top
Row 1:   k2tog, (p1, k4, p1, k2tog, skk) 3 times, p1, k4, p1 skk      32sts
Row 2:   p1 (k1, p4, k1, p2) 3 times, k1, p4, k1, p1
Row 3:   k2tog (c4b, k2tog, skk) 3 times, c4b, skk          24sts
Row 4:   p2tog across row   12sts
Row 5:    k2tog across row    6sts
Fasten off yarn and thread yarn through remaining 6sts pull firmly, sew seam
Finish all ends

Make a small pompom and sew on top of hat


  1. made most of them for children. they loved them. thanks for providing download.

  2. Does this fit the curvy Barbie?
    Love your patterns, have made a few so far :)

  3. Hi, I'm not an experienced knitter but what does pfb & kfb mean?

    1. Hi Sue

      Pfb means purl forward back - purl 1, do not slip st onto right hand needle, purl 1 into back of same stitch, slip both loops onto right hand needle. This makes an increase of 1 stitch

      Kfb is the same only using a knit stitch.

      Hope this helps. At the top of the right column is a page for knitting abbreviations


  4. Thanks for your reply. I looked up on Youtube how to do this & can't believe I've actually now knitted this pattern. This is so cool that I'm now hooked & eager to learn how to knit more patterns.
