Thursday 19 October 2017

Cable Tea Cosy

Materials:  100g King Cole Comfort Chunky for tea cosy and pompom. 25g of 
either chunky  or double knit for a contrast colour pompom, Needles size 5mm and 5.5mm
cable needle 
Note about yarn:  I used King Cole Comfort Chunky which is slightly thicker than 
other chunky yarns and has a lovely range of bright colours. If you use a different chunky 
yarn the cosy may not be the size stated below. You may need to go up a needle size to get
size stated.
Tension: 14sts and 20 rows x 4” using no 5.5mm needles over stocking stitch
Size:       To fit a teapot up to 7.5” height x 9” width from handle to spout
Abbreviations:        k: knit, p: purl, st/s: stitch/stitches, tog: together, m1: make 1 by picking up the loop between sts and k into back of it, c6b: cable 6 back – slip next 3sts on to cable needle and leave at back of work, k next 3sts, then 3sts from cable needle 

Sides (make 2)

Using 5mm needles cast on 37sts
Work 5 rows k1, p1 rib
Next row:  rib7, (m1, rib8) 3 times, m1, rib 6   (41sts)
Change to 5.5mm needles
Row 1:   k2, p2, (c6b, p3) 3 times, c3b, p2, k2
Row 2:   k4, (p6, k3) 3 times, p6, k4
Row 3:   k2, p2, (k6, p3) 3 times, k6, p2, k2
Rows 4–9:   (repeat rows 2 and 3) 3 times
Row 10:  k4, (p6, k3) 3 times, p6, k4
These 10 rows form the cable pattern with garter stitch border
Repeat last 10 rows
Fasten off yarn and leave sts on holder
Do not fasten off yarn on second side

Shape top
Continue on last side worked with right side facing:
Row 1:   *(p2tog) 2 times, (c6b, p3) 3 times, c6b, (p2tog) 2 times,** continue across second side, repeat from * to **   (74sts)
Row 2:   K2, (p6, k3) 3 times, p6, K4, (p6, k3) 3 times, p6, k2
Row 3:    p2, (k6, p1, p2tog) 3 times, k6, (p2tog) 2 times, (k6, p1, p2tog) 3 times, k6 p2    (66sts)
Row 4:    k2, (p6, k2) 8 times
Row 5:    p2, (k6, p2) 8 times
Row 6-7:   as rows 4 and 5
Row 8:    k2tog, (p6, k2tog) 8 times                 (57sts)
Row 9:    p1, (k6, p1) 8 times
Row 10:  k1, (p6, k1) 8 times
Row 11:  p1, (c6b, p1) 8 times
Row 12:  k1, (p6, k1) 8 times
Row 13:  p1, (k2tog, k2, k2tog, p1) 8 times    (41sts)
Row 14:    (k1, p4) to last st, k1
Row 15:    k1, (K2tog) to end                          (21sts)
Row 16:    p1, (p2tog) to end                          (11sts)
Fasten off yarn leaving a long enough tail for sewing seam. 

Thread yarn through 11sts pull firmly, secure with a st, and sew up side seam of top.

To finish
Sew up sides at rib only.  Make a pompom and attach to top of cosy.
Fasten off all ends.