Showing posts with label tall barbie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tall barbie. Show all posts

Wednesday 9 February 2022

Barbie Pyjamas/lounge set


I don't know what the weather is like where you live but its cold up here in the North of England.  Time for some warm pyjamas or as most people call then these days lounge sets.  This gave me the idea of making this cute little set for Barbie.  It will fit most fashion dolls and Barbie Fashionistas.  But as Curvy barbie is a more realistic shape, I've adjusted the pattern to fit. 

I used Sirdar 4ply and Sirdar crofter 4ply which has a nice fair isle effect.

you will need    25g each main and contrast 4ply yarn (I used Sirdar crofter for the multi yarn and Sirdar snuggly for plain.  Needles size 3mm and 3.25, 1 small button

Tension: 28sts and 32 rows over 4in (stocking stitch) using 3.25 needles

Abbreviations: k: knit, p: purl, ss: stocking stitch (one row plain, one row purl), inc: increase, dc: decrease, beg: beginning, sts: stitches, tog: together   

These pyjamas can be knit using any combination of colours with or without the heart motif.  For the pink set I knit the ribs of the pants in pink then the legs in multi coloured yarn. The top was knit in pink, with heart .The white/multi set has white for the ribs and multi for pants and top. 

If you find and errors or have any queries, about this pattern please let me know in the comments below.   Thanks


The back, front and sleeves are knit to the armholes then pieces joined to knit the yoke


Using 3mm needles, cast on 25sts

k1, p1 rib for 4 rows

Change to 3.25 needles and main

Knit 18 rows stocking stitch

Armhole shaping

Cast off 2sts at beg of next 2 rows   21sts

Fasten off yarn, leaving a thread for sewing seam.  Leave 21sts on holder



As back

For motif   

work 6 rows stocking stitch

row 1   k12, p1, k12

row 2   p11, k1, p1, k1, p11

row 3   k10, (p1, k1) 2 times, p1, k10

row 4   p9, (k1, p1) 3 times, k1, p9

row 5   k8, (p1, k1) 4 times, p1, k8

rows 6 to 9  repeat rows 4 and 5  2 times

row 10 as row 4

row 11 k10, p1, k3, p1, k10

row 12  purl

continue as back from armhole shaping


Sleeves (make 2)

With 3mm needles cast on 23sts

k1, p1 rib for 2 rows

Change to 3.25 needles

Knit 4 rows stocking stitch

Cast off 2sts at beg of next 2 rows   19sts

leave 19sts on holder. Do not fasten off yarn after second sleeve


Join Pieces

row 1  knit across sleeve: k2tog, k15, ssk

continue across front: k1, k2tog, k15, ssk, k1

continue across first sleeve: k2tog, k15, ssk

continue across back: k1, k2tog, k15, ssk, k1       72sts

row 2   purl

row 3   *k2tog, k13, ssk, k1, k2tog, k13, ssk, k1** repeat from * to **    64sts

row 4   purl

row 5   *k2tog, k11, ssk, k1, k2tog, k11, ssk, k1** repeat from * to **     56sts

row 6   k1, purl to end

row 7   *k2tog, k9, ssk, k1, k2tog, k9, ssk, k1** repeat from * to **    48sts

row 8   k1, purl to end

row 9   *k2tog, k7, ssk, k1, k2tog, k7, ssk, k1** repeat from * to **     40sts


Change to 3mm needles,  wrong side facing

row 1   *p2tog, (k1, p1) 4 times, k2tog, (p1, k1) 4 times** repeat from * to **   36sts                       

row 2   (buttonhole row) rib to last 2sts, yf, k2tog

Cast off in rib.

To finish

Sew right back raglan seam to within 1” of neck.  Sew other raglan seams, sleeve and side seams.  Sew on small button to match buttonhole.  Fasten off all ends


Right leg

Using 3mm needles cast on 16sts

Work 6 rows k1, p1 rib

Inc row  k1, (kfb, k3) 3 times, kfb, k2  20sts

Change to 3.25 needles

Next row purl

Beg with a knit row and stocking stitch, inc 1st at each end of next and every following 6th row to 30sts ending on a purl row

Knit 14 rows stocking stitch(adjust length here if you want)

Next row  k2tog, k to end

Next row  cast off 3sts purl to end  26sts

Leave 26sts on a holder

Left leg

As right leg to *

Next row  cast off 3sts, k to end

Next row  p2tog purl to end  26sts

Do not fasten off yarn

** Join legs

K26 across left leg, continue across 26st of right leg    52sts


Back Shaping

Ssk, k to last 2sts, k2tog


Repeat the last 2 rows to 44sts

Work 2 rows stocking stitch

Dec row:   (note the different sizes)

Barbie   (k1, k2tog) 14 times, k2  30sts

Knit 3 rows k1, p1 rib cast off.

Curvy Barbie k3 (k2tog, k3) 8 times, k1 36sts

Knit 5 rows k1, p1 rib cast off.

Short pants

Right leg

Using 3mm needles cast on 30sts

Work 2 rows k1, p1 rib

Change to 3.25 needles

Work 6 rows stocking stitch (adjust length here if you want)

Next row  k2tog, knit to end

Next row  cast off 3sts purl to end  26sts

Leave 26sts on a holder

Left leg

Using 3mm needles cast on 30sts

Work 2 rows k1, p1 rib

Change to 3.25 needles

Work 6 rows stocking stitch (adjust length here if you want)

Next row   cast off 3sts, knit to end

Next row   p2tog purl to end  26sts

Do not fasten off yarn

Continue as pants from ** join legs

To finish

Sew leg and back seam.  Fasten off all ends. Thread shirring or narrow elastic through waist to improve fit


Saturday 27 July 2019

Barbie summer dress

The dress is knit from the top down with a back fastening for easy fit and a centre back seam.  For the striped dress work 2 rows each of contrasting colours or add a few stripes in the skirt and embellish with a pearl button  The dress will fit Regular Barbie, Curvy and Tall Barbie Fashionista dolls and most other 12" fashion dolls

I love my hobby of designing patterns and posting them online.  But I often can’t find anyone who has the time to test my patterns, although I do knit them up a few times myself.  So mistakes can slip by, especially typos when transferring the pattern to my blog.  So, please, if you find and errors or have any queries, let me know in the comments below.   Thanks

You will need:  approx 25g double knitting yarn (I used Sirdar Snuggly)
Needles size 3.25 (US 3) and 3.75mm  (US 5)
Tension:  24 stitches, 30 rows to 10cm/4" (stocking stitch) using 3.75 needles

Abbreviations: see side panel

To knit in the round using double point needles, follow pattern to row 8 then join into round, work in knit sts only and knit one row, purl one row for garter stitch.   Rounds begin at centre back.

Using 3.25 needles cast on 38sts
rows start at centre back
Row 1        k2, purl to last st, k1
Change to 3.75 needles
Row 2        rs, k6, (kfb, k8) 3 times kfb, k2, yf, k2tog      42sts
Row 3        k2, p4, cast off 8sts, p12 (includes st on right hand needle), cast off 8sts, p7, k1
Row 4        k8, cast on 3sts, k12, cast on 3sts, k6          32sts        
Row 5        k2, purl to last st, k1
Row 6        knit                                                  
Row 7        k2, purl to last st, k1
Row 8        cast off 2sts k6, k2tog, k14, k2tog, k6            28sts
Row 9        purl 
(for Tall barbie knit 2 more rows ss)      
Change to 3.25 needles               
Row 10-14  knit 5 rows garter stitch
Row 14      ws, pfb 28 times   56sts
Continue for Skirt
Change to 3.75 needles
Beginning with a knit row work 24 rows ss – adjust length here if you want
Work 4 rows gs   cast off loosely

To finish
Sew centre back seam and slip stitch back fastening in place.  Sew on button to match buttonhole.

Friday 1 February 2019

Barbie Aran

Aran Jacket


This is an easy aran pattern of stocking stitch with 4 rows cable repeat.  
The sweater has a back neck fastening for easy fit.  I sewed the side seams to the end of the rib which gives it a more up to date look.  If you want a longer sweater, or even a dress, just do a few more rows of pattern.

I love my hobby of designing patterns and posting them online.  But I often can’t find anyone who has the time to test my patterns, although I do knit them up a few times myself.  So mistakes can slip by, especially typos when transferring the pattern to my blog.  So, please, please, if you find and errors or have any queries, let me know either by commenting below or contacting me via the contact form.   Thanks

Materials:  30g double knitting yarn, small button for sweater, 4 small buttons for cardigan, Needles size 3.25 and 3.75mm, cable needle
Measurements: to fit 11/12” fashion doll, and Barbie Fashionista dolls
Tension: 24sts x 32rows over Stocking stitch x 4” using no 3.75 needles
Special Abbreviations: C4b: slip next 2sts onto cable needle and leave at back of work, k2, then k2 from cable needle.


Using 3.25 needles cast on 20sts
Work k1, p1 rib for 3 rows
Next row:  rib 5, pfb, kfb, rib 6, pfb, kfb, rib 5   (24sts)
Change to 3.75 needles
Row 1:   k4 (p1, c4b, p1, k4) 2 times
Row 2:   p4 (k1, p4, k1 p4) 2 times
Row 3:   k4 (p1, k4, p1, k4) 2 times
Row 2:   p4 (k1, p4, k1 p4) 2 times
These 4 rows form the pattern, rep 3 times then rows 1 and 2 (total of 18 patterns rows)
Armhole shaping
Keeping pattern correct, cast off 2sts at beg of next 2 rows    20sts*
Work a further 8 rows in pattern
Shape neck
Row 1:  patt 5, k2tog, turn
Continue on 6sts for left front
Row 2:  patt to end
Row 3:  patt to last 2sts, k2tog      5sts
Row 4:  patt to end
Cast off 5sts, leave a thread for sewing shoulder seam.

With right side facing, slip next 6st onto a thread, re-join yarn and continue for right front
Row 1:  k2tog, patt to end    6sts
Row 2:  patt to end
Row 3:  k2tog, patt to end   5sts
Row 4:  patt to end
Cast off 5sts, leave a thread for sewing shoulder seam

As front to *
Work a further 12 rows in pattern
Cast off 5sts at beg of next 2 rows

Do not fasten off yarn, continue for neckband
Right side facing, change to 3.25 needles
Knit across 10sts of back, pick up and knit 6sts down left front, knit 6sts left on thread, then 6sts up right front.  28sts
Row 1:  cast on 3sts, (for back fastening) k1, p1 rib to end  31sts
Row 2:  rib to last 2sts, yon, k2tog
Cast off in rib
Sew left shoulder seam, sew right shoulder seam to rib. 


With right side facing and no 3.75 needles pick up and knit 18sts around arm edge excluding cast off sts. see photo

Work 19 rows ss, placing a marker at each end of 3th row
Change to 3.25 needles and work 3 rows k1, p1 rib
Cast off in rib, leave a thread for sewing seam.

To finish
Sew up sleeve seam to markers, Sew side (i sewed the side seam to rib) and underarm seams
Sew on small button to correspond with buttonhole on neck
Finish off all ends


As back of sweater. Fasten off yarn and leave 10sts on holder

Left front
Using 3.25 needles cast on 10sts
Work k1, p1 rib for 3 rows
Next row:  rib 3, pfb, kfb, rib 5    (12sts)
Change to 3.75 needles
Row 1:  k4, p1, c4b, p1, k2
Row 2:  p2 k1, p4, k1 p4
Row 3:  k4, p1, p4, p1, k2
Row 2:  p2 k1, p4, k1 p4
These 4 rows form the pattern, rep 3 times then rows 1 and 2 (total of 18 patterns rows)
Armhole shaping
Keeping pattern correct, cast off 2sts, patt to end 10sts
Work a further 8 rows in pattern
Shape neck
Row 1: ws, cast off 3sts, patt to end   7sts
Row 2: patt to last 2sts, k2tog
Row 3: patt to end
Row 4:   patt to last 2sts, k2tog
Row 5:   patt to end
Cast off 5sts
Leave a thread for sewing seam

Right front
Using 3.25 needles cast on 10sts
Work k1, p1 rib for 3 rows
Next row:  rib 5, pfb, kfb, rib 3    (12sts)
Change to 3.75 needles
Row 1:  k2, p1, c4b, p1, k4
Row 2:  p4 k1, p4, k1 p2
Row 3:  k2, p1, p4, p1, k4
Row 2:  p4 k1, p4, k1 p2
These 4 rows form the pattern, rep 3 times then rows 1 to 3 (total of 19 patterns rows)
Armhole shaping
Keeping pattern correct, cast off 2sts, patt to end 10sts
Work a further 8 rows in pattern
Shape neck
Row 1: rs, cast off 3sts, patt to end   7sts
Row 2: patt to end
Row 3: k2tog, patt to end
Row 4:  patt to end
Row 5:  k2tog, patt to end
Cast off 5sts leave thread for sewing

Sleeves as sweater

Sew shoulder seams
using 3.25 needles, beg at right front edge, right side facing pick up and knit 6sts up right front, k10 across back, pick up and knit 6sts down left front.  22sts
work 3 rows k1, p1 rib,  cast off

Left front band
Using 3.25 needles, rs facing, pick up and knit 28sts along left front edge, from neck to hem.  Work 3 rows k1, p1 rib   cast off

Right front band
Using 3.25 needles, rs facing, pick up and knit 28sts along right front edge, from hem to neck.  Work 1 row k1, p1 rib
Buttonhole row:  p1, (k2tog, yf, rib 6) 3 times, k2tog, yf rib 1
Work 1 row rib.     cast off

To finish
Sew up sleeve seam to markers, Sew side and underarm seams
Sew on small buttons to correspond with buttonholes
Finish off all ends



Using 3.25 needles cast on 32sts and
work 7 rows k1, p1 rib
Rib 3, (pfb, kfb, rib 6) 3 times, pfb, kfb rib 3    40sts
Change to 3.75 needles
Row 1:   k2, (p1, c4b, p1, k4) 3 times, p1, c4b, p1, k2
Row 2:   p2, (k1, p4, k1, p4) 3 times, k1 p4, k1, p2
Row 3:   k2, (p1, k4, p1, k4) 3 times, p1, k4, p1, k2
Row 4:   p2, (k1, p4, k1, p4) 3 times, k1 p4, k1, p2
These 4 rows form the pattern. Rep rows 1 and 2
Shape top
Row 1:   k2tog, (p1, k4, p1, k2tog, skk) 3 times, p1, k4, p1 skk      32sts
Row 2:   p1 (k1, p4, k1, p2) 3 times, k1, p4, k1, p1
Row 3:   k2tog (c4b, k2tog, skk) 3 times, c4b, skk          24sts
Row 4:   p2tog across row   12sts
Row 5:    k2tog across row    6sts
Fasten off yarn and thread yarn through remaining 6sts pull firmly, sew seam
Finish all ends

Make a small pompom and sew on top of hat

Thursday 1 March 2018

Curvy and Tall Barbie Fashionista knitted dresses

These fashionista dolls are wonderful, they show that women come in all shapes and sizes and we are all are lovely.  I particulary like the curvy barbie because she is so realistic and who doesn't love pink hair!

So,  I've amended the barbie knitted dress on this site to fit the Barbie Fashionista doll's shape,  tall and curvy.  The patterns are written out separately as there's quite a difference in the sizing.

Both dresses are knit in one piece with a centre back seam, with no fastenings for Tall Barbie.  Pull on styles are difficult to dress on Curvy Barbie so this version has a centre back opening for an easy fit. 
I've used two contrast colours but any colour combination would work.

Both dresses can easily be made in the round, noting that the round begins at centre back. You will need to change to rows for the back opening. 

As always please let me know if you find any mistakes or have a query about this pattern. 

To fit: 12” Barbie Fashionista dolls Tall and curvy
You will need approx 25g double knitting yarn in main and 10g in each contrast
Needles size 3.25 (US 3) small button for curvy Barbie dress
Tension: 26sts and 32 rows over 4 in (stocking stitch) using 3.25 needles

Abbreviations: beg: beginning, sts: stitches, yf: yarn forward, rep: repeat, ss: stocking stitch, sl st, slip stitch, m1: pick up loop between sts and knit into back, tog: together, k: knit, p: purl, dec: decrease, ssk: slip next 2sts onto right hand needle, insert left hand needle through front loops and knit both sts off tog.(you can also slip 1, knit 1, pass slipped st over)


Tall Barbie dress

Main Body (work in one piece to armhole)
Using main colour cast on 31sts
Work 2 rows k1 p1 rib
Rows 1-24:   stocking stitch 24 rows
Row 25:        K6, k2tog, k15, k2tog, (29sts)
Row 26:        purl
Row 27:        k6, k2tog, k13, k2tog, k6 (27sts)
Row 28:        purl
Rows 29-30:  Join contrast A, work 2 rows stocking stitch
Rows 31-32: Join contrast B, work 2 rows stocking stitch
Row 33:        K11, m1,k1,m1,k3,m1,k1,m1,k11 (31sts)
Rows 34:36: work 3 rows ss

Armhole shaping
Row 37:        k6, cast off 3sts, k13, cast off 3sts, k6
Row 38:        p6, cast on 7sts, p13, cast on 7sts, p6
Row 39:        k4, k2tog, k7, k2tog, k4, k2tog, k3, k2tog, k7, k2tog, k4    34sts
Row 40:        purl
Cast off

To make up
Sew centre back seam using mattress stitch, fasten off ends

Curvy Barbie dress

Main Body (work in one piece to armhole)
Using main colour cast on 38sts,
Work 2 rows k1 p1 rib, inc 1st at end of last row               (39sts)
Rows 1-22:   stocking stitch 22 rows
Row 23:        K2, ssk, k10, ssk, k7, k2tog, k10, k2tog, k2 (35sts)
Row 24:        purl
Row 25:        K2, ssk, k9, ssk, k5, k2tog, k9, k2tog, k2     (31sts)
Row 26:        purl
Rows 27- 28: 2 rows ss
Rows 29-30:  Join contrast A, work 2 rows stocking stitch
Rows 31:       Join contrast B, cast on 2sts, k2 cast on sts, k14, m1, k3, m1, k14   (35sts)
Row 32:         k2, purl to last 2sts, k2
Rows 33-36:  work 4 rows ss keeping 2 knit sts at each end of purl row

Armhole shaping
Row 37: k9, cast off 3sts, k13, cast off 3sts, k7
Row 38: k2, p5, cast on 7sts, p13, cast on 7sts, p7, k2
Row 39: k7, k2tog, k7, k2tog, k4, k2tog, k3, k2tog, k7, k2tog, k3, yf, k2tog
Row 40: k2, purl to last 2sts, k2
Cast off

To make up
Sew centre back seam using mattress stitch. Sew on small button at back to match buttonhole. Fasten off ends