Wednesday 9 February 2022

Barbie Pyjamas/lounge set


I don't know what the weather is like where you live but its cold up here in the North of England.  Time for some warm pyjamas or as most people call then these days lounge sets.  This gave me the idea of making this cute little set for Barbie.  It will fit most fashion dolls and Barbie Fashionistas.  But as Curvy barbie is a more realistic shape, I've adjusted the pattern to fit. 

I used Sirdar 4ply and Sirdar crofter 4ply which has a nice fair isle effect.

you will need    25g each main and contrast 4ply yarn (I used Sirdar crofter for the multi yarn and Sirdar snuggly for plain.  Needles size 3mm and 3.25, 1 small button

Tension: 28sts and 32 rows over 4in (stocking stitch) using 3.25 needles

Abbreviations: k: knit, p: purl, ss: stocking stitch (one row plain, one row purl), inc: increase, dc: decrease, beg: beginning, sts: stitches, tog: together   

These pyjamas can be knit using any combination of colours with or without the heart motif.  For the pink set I knit the ribs of the pants in pink then the legs in multi coloured yarn. The top was knit in pink, with heart .The white/multi set has white for the ribs and multi for pants and top. 

If you find and errors or have any queries, about this pattern please let me know in the comments below.   Thanks


The back, front and sleeves are knit to the armholes then pieces joined to knit the yoke


Using 3mm needles, cast on 25sts

k1, p1 rib for 4 rows

Change to 3.25 needles and main

Knit 18 rows stocking stitch

Armhole shaping

Cast off 2sts at beg of next 2 rows   21sts

Fasten off yarn, leaving a thread for sewing seam.  Leave 21sts on holder



As back

For motif   

work 6 rows stocking stitch

row 1   k12, p1, k12

row 2   p11, k1, p1, k1, p11

row 3   k10, (p1, k1) 2 times, p1, k10

row 4   p9, (k1, p1) 3 times, k1, p9

row 5   k8, (p1, k1) 4 times, p1, k8

rows 6 to 9  repeat rows 4 and 5  2 times

row 10 as row 4

row 11 k10, p1, k3, p1, k10

row 12  purl

continue as back from armhole shaping


Sleeves (make 2)

With 3mm needles cast on 23sts

k1, p1 rib for 2 rows

Change to 3.25 needles

Knit 4 rows stocking stitch

Cast off 2sts at beg of next 2 rows   19sts

leave 19sts on holder. Do not fasten off yarn after second sleeve


Join Pieces

row 1  knit across sleeve: k2tog, k15, ssk

continue across front: k1, k2tog, k15, ssk, k1

continue across first sleeve: k2tog, k15, ssk

continue across back: k1, k2tog, k15, ssk, k1       72sts

row 2   purl

row 3   *k2tog, k13, ssk, k1, k2tog, k13, ssk, k1** repeat from * to **    64sts

row 4   purl

row 5   *k2tog, k11, ssk, k1, k2tog, k11, ssk, k1** repeat from * to **     56sts

row 6   k1, purl to end

row 7   *k2tog, k9, ssk, k1, k2tog, k9, ssk, k1** repeat from * to **    48sts

row 8   k1, purl to end

row 9   *k2tog, k7, ssk, k1, k2tog, k7, ssk, k1** repeat from * to **     40sts


Change to 3mm needles,  wrong side facing

row 1   *p2tog, (k1, p1) 4 times, k2tog, (p1, k1) 4 times** repeat from * to **   36sts                       

row 2   (buttonhole row) rib to last 2sts, yf, k2tog

Cast off in rib.

To finish

Sew right back raglan seam to within 1” of neck.  Sew other raglan seams, sleeve and side seams.  Sew on small button to match buttonhole.  Fasten off all ends


Right leg

Using 3mm needles cast on 16sts

Work 6 rows k1, p1 rib

Inc row  k1, (kfb, k3) 3 times, kfb, k2  20sts

Change to 3.25 needles

Next row purl

Beg with a knit row and stocking stitch, inc 1st at each end of next and every following 6th row to 30sts ending on a purl row

Knit 14 rows stocking stitch(adjust length here if you want)

Next row  k2tog, k to end

Next row  cast off 3sts purl to end  26sts

Leave 26sts on a holder

Left leg

As right leg to *

Next row  cast off 3sts, k to end

Next row  p2tog purl to end  26sts

Do not fasten off yarn

** Join legs

K26 across left leg, continue across 26st of right leg    52sts


Back Shaping

Ssk, k to last 2sts, k2tog


Repeat the last 2 rows to 44sts

Work 2 rows stocking stitch

Dec row:   (note the different sizes)

Barbie   (k1, k2tog) 14 times, k2  30sts

Knit 3 rows k1, p1 rib cast off.

Curvy Barbie k3 (k2tog, k3) 8 times, k1 36sts

Knit 5 rows k1, p1 rib cast off.

Short pants

Right leg

Using 3mm needles cast on 30sts

Work 2 rows k1, p1 rib

Change to 3.25 needles

Work 6 rows stocking stitch (adjust length here if you want)

Next row  k2tog, knit to end

Next row  cast off 3sts purl to end  26sts

Leave 26sts on a holder

Left leg

Using 3mm needles cast on 30sts

Work 2 rows k1, p1 rib

Change to 3.25 needles

Work 6 rows stocking stitch (adjust length here if you want)

Next row   cast off 3sts, knit to end

Next row   p2tog purl to end  26sts

Do not fasten off yarn

Continue as pants from ** join legs

To finish

Sew leg and back seam.  Fasten off all ends. Thread shirring or narrow elastic through waist to improve fit



  1. What a beautiful set. Not a knitter but I wanted to thank you. I've been using your crochet baby doll patterns for years for my yearly doll donation but this year I started using some of your Barbie patterns as I added Barbie dolls to the donation last Christmas. Thank you for offering these patterns.

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment. I am happy to have contributed, in a small way, to a good cause.

  2. You are amazing! thank you for this :)

  3. I have now knitted loads of your barbie and baby patterns and love them all. Even adapted some of them. Have you got any barbie handbag 👜 patterns or anything for her boyfriend Ken? Thank you for making these free as I'm new at knitting.

    1. Thanks for your lovely comment. The only handbag for barbie is a crochet pattern. Just click on Barbie patterns at the top of my blog then crochet dress and bag

  4. Can you please say what the abbreviation ssk means? Thank you.

    1. Sorry I didn't include this in the abbreviations.

      Ssk: slip next 2 sts knitwise on to right hand needle then knit through back loops together, this decreases a stitch. Or use: knit 1, slip 1, pass slipped stitch over.

  5. Hello,
    I am from Luxembourg and I would like to know if it is possible to get the patterns in German. Best regards Jackie Samimi

  6. Hello, I'm in South Africa. I love these patterns, however i get stuck the tops when it comes to shaping the arm holes/necklines. I cannot get them right. Do you have youtube tutorials that i could watch in slow mo to maybe understand the pattern better and see how its supposed to be done. I'm still a beginner. Thank you in advance.


    1. Sorry but I don't do YouTube tutorials. Armhole shaping can be done in several ways, in this pattern, because its such a small item, the front, back and sleeves are knit first then all joined to begin the shaping,
      All I can suggest is that you following the pattern carefully, and you will see how it turns out
